

apexanalytix has earned a spot on a list compiled by FlexJobs that spotlights the top 100 companies in North Carolina with flexible working options. FlexJobs based its ranking on years of research involving companies that hire for remote, part-time, flextime or freelance jobs.

A profile of apexanalytix written by the FlexJob staff confirms the availability of flexible work schedules. In addition, remote work options are available to all employees worldwide. In fact, those well-established remote working practices have helped the company communicate and collaborate seamlessly with customers, colleagues and business partners during the COVID-19 crisis – all while preserving security and operational controls.

“apexanalytix jobs support flexible work options with full-time telecommuting opportunities. The globally diverse employer values the input of its skilled team and offers a robust benefits package to help retain its talented employees.”

You can read the apexanalytix FlexJobs profile here. Visit the apexanalytix website for information on careers and current job openings.

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