

Mark Brousseau

President at Brousseau & Associates

Danny Thompson


Dor Bocian

Co-Founder & Partner of Extropy Advisors on behalf of Basware

Shannon Kreps

VP Product Marketing at Medius Software

Greg Bartels

President & CEO at IPS

Accounts payable technologies are changing at dizzying rate. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to robotic process automation and cognitive analytics, making sense of it all can overwhelm the most tech-savvy accounts payable leader.


• What does each technology do?

• How do you determine the best technology for your needs?

• How does each technology complement your existing tech stack?

• How do you build a business case for these technologies?

Learn from this virtual town hall meeting as our panelists answer questions about emerging payables technologies.

Ready to roar?

Fill out our contact form and we will be in touch shortly to discuss how we can help.
