
A picture of Danny Thompson

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Chief Product Officer at apexanalytix

Nigel Coffey

Formerly of Shire Pharmaceuticals and Takeda

Call Nigel Coffey a change agent, or call him a serial innovator. Everywhere Nigel takes on a new leadership challenge, he executes a program that adds tangible bottom-line value to his new organization. Starting with industry benchmarking, following with an audit of payments to suppliers to identify root cause issues and control weaknesses, and progressing through a systematic program of automation, Nigel has succeeded time and time again in moving each company to world-class procure-to-pay processes and technologies.


In his career Nigel has held senior business service, finance and transformation roles at Pfizer, PepsiCo, Shire Pharmaceuticals/Takeda and now Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. As the Head of Finance operations at this rapidly-growing biotech, he’s helping optimize the processes to help this company produce leading-edge therapies based on the latest RNA interference science.


Hear Nigel and Danny Thompson, SVP of Market & Product Strategy at apexanalytix, as they discuss:


• How fresh industry benchmarking information on finance and procure-to-pay best practices can be leveraged to establish goals and inform business cases for talent and technology.

• The one-two punch of recovery audit: improving AP profitability and uncovering weak controls, supplier issues and root causes of overpayments.

• Optimising prior to automating: why improving and rationalising end-to-end processes, policies, procedures and controls is critical before selecting and implementing technology.


Featuring: The latest 2021 benchmarking results from apexanalytix’s P2PKey Practices Benchmarking survey. The newest P2P survey data and insights from top tier global companies.


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