
Chuck Stefanosky

Supplier Diversity Director at Independence Blue Cross

Barry Cook

Director of Pre-Sales Consulting at apexanalytix

This presentation will showcase the supplier side of Independence Blue Cross 35-year-old award-winning DEI program that matches the diversity of their workforce and suppliers with the community they serve. Independence Blue Cross leads the economic equity component of the program with direct oversight of identifying, onboarding and supporting diverse suppliers. With the program reporting directly to procurement, they have full visibility of where money is being spent today and where diverse spend could be increased. Additionally, he will discuss how supplier management technology ensures that they are capturing all diverse suppliers in their supply base with as minimal manual work as possible.

You will learn:

• How to define supplier diversity in your company

• Why supplier diversity needs to report to procurement

• A simple tactic to support diverse suppliers’ working capital

• How to automate diversity identification and certificate validation

• Lifecycle Phase: Optimization

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