
A picture of Danny Thompson

Danny Thompson Linkedin Icon

Chief Product Officer at apexanalytix

Phil Beane Linkedin Icon

COO & EVP, Global Transaction Compliance Solutions at apexanalytix

We are going through the most unique and disruptive time in modern history. A lot may have changed, but as a finance professional you can take some actions to help your company get through the challenges that COVID-19 has caused. And come out stronger.

During this webinar, we examine five market conditions that altered the way you do business and impacted your controls. Right now, these market conditions have caused your company to make overpayments, let fraudsters into your systems and not apply supplier credits.

Additionally, we highlight three strategies that apexanalytix utilizes for our clients to ensure every duplicate payment and hidden statement credit is recovered during times of change.

Ready to roar?

Fill out our contact form and we will be in touch shortly to discuss how we can help.
