The 2023 Sustainability Report by ProcureCon EU and apexanalytix delivers the specific insights, peer testimony, and actionable steps your organization can take to champion ESG initiatives and protect your supply in a changing world.


Embrace ESG and Minimize Supplier Risk

Net-zero deadlines are closing in, regulations are becoming more demanding, and pressure from stakeholders is weighing down.


Lead the Conversation on ESG

Procurement has the opportunity to drive change and reduce GHG emissions—but to do so, teams must have accurate data.

Current processes leave teams struggling to analyze emission output, engage existing suppliers, and receive buy-in from key stakeholders.

By embracing new methods and technology, sourcing professionals can keep ESG at the forefront.

“We definitely need standardized approaches for determining product carbon footprints across industries, and then technologies can serve to enable the secure and trustworthy exchange of data throughout supply chains.”

Sophie Cros Procurement Director MS PRO – Innovation and Digital Transformation Bayer

Enhance Supplier Risk Management


Supplier relationships greatly impact ESG targets.


Timely supplier assessments are a vital component in managing risk across your supply chain.

However, most current processes leave CPOs wasting between one to six months for assessments to be completed.

Sourcing professionals need a way to speed up data exchange and gauge key risk factors like waste management, regulatory compliance, and supplier diversity.

Achieve Regulatory Compliance


The right foundation empowers a strong ESG strategy.


Many procurement teams are global in scale and need to develop tactics that align with standards worldwide.

As regulation requirements and compliance controls vary and change in different regions, meeting these standards is becoming increasingly difficult.

By getting a stronger handle on obligations, CPOs can have a greater impact on global ESG initiatives.

“Just meeting regulatory requirements is not enough to meet global climate targets. We must do more and go above and beyond.”

Paul Walker Group Procurement Director TUI

Procurement is perfectly positioned to implement new technologies, renewable energy sources, and automation capabilities to enhance ESG data capture and analysis.

In this 2023 Sustainability Report, you’ll find the answers to your peers’ most pressing questions on how to achieve sustainability goals faster and more at scale.

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