Vendor Risk Analysis: Employee Data

Reduce your risk of employee collusion in vendor-related fraud

A recent global analysis conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners contains several key insights related to employee involvement in fraud. The data shows the median loss from a single case of employee-related fraud is $130,000. Almost one in four cases result in losses of $1 million or more.

Companies lacking antifraud controls suffer losses twice as large as companies with controls. To help you uncover employee fraud risks before they impact your bottom line, apexanalytix offers a comprehensive, technology-enabled review of the overlap between employee and vendor data. Our objective is to uncover potential fraudulent vendors and billing scams that involve members of your own team, as well as policy violations, potential conflicts of interest—and more.


apexanalytix experts use powerful firststrike software to compare employee data with vendor files and flag potential matches. We look at a broad range of criteria, including phone number, social security number, bank account, address and pneumonic variations commonly used to mask identity.


apexanalytix Certified Fraud Examiners use both public and proprietary resources to validate the matches we find.


We interpret and report on what we uncover, scoring the employee-vendor matches that represent your greatest risk. Our reports provide all the information you need to investigate and take action.


The processes we use meet or exceed all government requirements for protection of personal information. Sensitive data is protected end to end, from the point files are transferred into firststrike until final analyses are produced. Data is encrypted during transmission and analysis, with specific personal information masked in both database files and reports.


After your initial risk analysis, you can continuously protect your operations with firststrike Fraud Detect. This innovative software solution helps you identify risks and take action to protect profits—whether fraudsters are submitting fictitious bills, trusted suppliers are padding invoices or employees are spearheading fraud schemes of their own. You’ll be able to monitor data proactively across multiple systems and formats.

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Fill out our contact form and we will be in touch shortly to discuss how we can help.
