Vendor Risk Analysis Service

Benefit from a complete, independent assessment

You may think your vendors represent little potential risk to your business, especially if you have prevention-based controls in place. In reality, though, costly undetected threats may be lurking—from sophisticated fraud schemes to suppliers with questionable business practices.

apexanalytix offers a comprehensive Vendor Risk Analysis that can give you the upper hand against fraud and other vendor risks. Our auditors and certified fraud examiners use a comprehensive approach designed to produce optimal results.


Vendor Risk Analysis experts who know the needs of large Global 2000 firms will identify your available data sources, review your internal processes and controls, configure parameters, and establish data analysis thresholds that best fit your needs and your business.


All vendor-related information is analyzed using apexanalytix firststrike Fraud Detect—a powerful software tool that can quickly process large data stores from multiple procurement, payment and human resources systems. The software looks for proven red flags that can indicate potential fraud and risk—from consecutive invoice numbers to a match between employee and supplier data. Certified Fraud Examiners use both public and proprietary resources to validate the results firststrike produces.


We interpret, score and report on what we find, including those vendors representing your greatest risk. You will have all the information you need to investigate and take action on financial risks, potential fraud, employee policy violations, conflicts of interest and more. Comprehensive recommendations for underlying process improvements are also provided to help you shore up your internal controls.


With our independent assessment of both your suppliers and your internal processes, you will be poised to reduce risks, improve compliance with policies and procedures, reduce your financial exposure and protect the integrity of your brand.

Ready to roar?

Fill out our contact form and we will be in touch shortly to discuss how we can help.
