Max Supplier Adoption, Max Discount Yield

apexportal Cash Management is the only early payment program built on supplier intelligence for maximum yield, and maximum discounts with the most suppliers. Using proprietary Cash Discount Likelihood (CDL) scoring, apexportal recommends the highest rate that suppliers will accept to maximize discounts captured. With offers on a sliding scale, suppliers also have the flexibility to choose a combination of discount rate and date for their working capital requirements.

Unique to apexportal Cash Management, the foundation of Supplier Registration allows you to enforce standard or segment-based payment term policies from the start and append supplier contacts from apexanalytix’s 32 million golden supplier records. All suppliers, all invoices, all the opportunity are available for your early payment program.

Customize offers based on supplier segment: product or service categories, supplier size, location and more. Make it easy for suppliers to accept discounts by text or email: no log in required.

Flexible funding options let you use your cash, third party balance sheet or supply chain finance with your partner or ours. Set thresholds to change funding as you want.

Besides great technology, we have an expert cash management team to work with your suppliers to increase discount acceptance.

The Only Early Payment Program Built on Supplier Intelligence for the Greatest Discounts with the Most Suppliers.

You want to maximize finance fees. Your suppliers will only accept offers that meet their cash needs. apexportal Cash Management Suite replaces guesswork with sophisticated inputs and analysis.

Cash discount likelihood (CDL) scoring, driven by machine learning, engineers the perfect rate: one that maximizes the discount rate matching it with what the supplier will accept.

apexportal, with complete and accurate supplier data from a 32 million record database, is the foundation for supplier engagement and discount offer adoption.

Segmentation, predictive analytics and automated marketing mean your offers are presented at the right time to the right suppliers at the maximum rate.

  • Supplier Intelligence from 55 million golden supplier records
  • Predictive analytics that determine maximum early payment discounts that will be accepted
  • Expert cash management team to work with your suppliers to increase discount acceptance
  • All suppliers, all invoices, all the opportunity

Max Supplier Adoption Starts at Onboarding . . .

Engage every supplier with a single self-service dashboard for everything from secure onboarding to electronic payments and continuous management.

  • Onboard with pre-built and highly customizable supplier segmentation to ensure compliance
  • Enforce standard or segment-based payment term policies from the start
  • Auto-enroll suppliers in electronic invoicing and payments for a paperless supply base
  • Eliminate payment fraud with automated bank account ownership validation
  • Append supplier contacts from apexanalytix’s 55 million golden supplier records

. . . And Takes Off with the Supplier Experience

Offer early payment discounts to every supplier on every invoice with the technology and an experienced team to maximize supplier acceptance.

  • Customize offers based on supplier segment: product or service categories, supplier size, location and more
  • Automate discount offer marketing for any frequency: every week, bi-weekly, or at the end of every quarter
  • Simplify supplier experience with One-Click Acceptance via email. No login required
  • Flexible discount options: all invoices, one offs, & supplier initiated
  • Suppliers want to talk? apexanalytix’s cash management experts work directly with your suppliers to manage relationships and increase discount adoption rates

A Force of Nature. With a Little AI.

Cash Discount Likelihood (CDL) scoring is a proprietary, machine-learning process developed with the input of Treasury and Finance domain experts that uses predictive analytics to determine the likelihood of a supplier to accept a discount. With the CDL score, apexportal recommends the highest rate that suppliers will accept to maximize discounts captured. With offers on a sliding scale, suppliers also have the flexibility to choose a combination of discount rate and date for their working capital requirements.

  1. Gathers vendor contact information, country, SIC code, discount capture patterns, vendor activity in apexportal, average days to pay and average invoice size from the apexanalytix database of 55 million supplier records.
  2. Combines and matches it with insights on spend from our $25B of proprietary spend data; transactional counts, payment terms and payment behavior; and company age, sales volume, location and industry data.
  3. Conducts machine learning analysis on all the data points to develop a consolidated discount propensity data point: The CDL Score.
  4. Applies the CDL Score against all suppliers to offer the maximum discount rates that will be accepted and offers the greatest impact on working capital.
  5. Presents perfected offers to supplier segments via portal, email and text for acceptance.

apexportal Cash Management Suite is comprised of Supplier Registration Dynamic Discounting & Supply Chain Finance Supplier Inquiry

Supplier Onboarding & Master Data

  • Predefined and configurable supplier segmentation based on compliance requirements
  • Supplier data validation and enrichment from over 850 external trusted sources
  • Bidirectional updates via certified integration with your systems (SAP Certified, Oracle Gold Partner) or our apexanalytix Secure Open Adapter
  • E-invoicing integration: Tungsten Network, Basware, Coupa
  • Global deployment: multiple languages and country/regional data conventions

Cash Management Suite

  • Predictive analytics to score suppliers and assign early payment discount rates based on offers to maximize rate
  • Create offers by segment, supplier, spend and more
  • Flexible funding for early payments: your cash, third party balance sheet or supply chain finance and set thresholds to change funding as you specify
  • Expert cash management team to work with your suppliers to increase discount acceptance
  • No sign-on, one-click “take the discount” push messages to supplier phone and email

apexanalytix revolutionized recovery audit with advanced analytics and the introduction of firststrike overpayment and fraud prevention software. Today, apex also leads the world in supplier management innovation with apexportal and smartvm, now the most widely used supplier onboarding and compliant master data management solution in global procure to pay processes. With over 250 clients in the Fortune 500 and Global 2000, apex is dedicated to providing companies and their suppliers with the ultimate supplier management experience.

Ready to roar?

Fill out our contact form and we will be in touch shortly to discuss how we can help.
